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Tuesday, 26 March 2013


We have known for quite some time now that Miss T has a fear of missing out, you know the dreaded FOMO that prevents her from ever slowing the pace, or sleeping too long or sleeping at all when we have friends and family over. It's a facet of her robust personality that we have always found hilarious. Nothing changed on our recent trip to Bali. Miss T woke like clock work every morning at 4.30AM! (Woo! love a family holiday). Our fabulous 4.30am starts meant the hubby and I took turns on the graveyard shift and desperately waited for the sun to rise (while trying to entertain a highly 'spirited' 14 month old ) so we could make a dash to the beach and restore our sanity.

What we did however discover during our little get away was that mumma in fact also suffers from a severe case of  FOMO...we were lucky enough to have a divine nanny helping us with Miss T for portions of the day. While she took our darling to the kids club, for a swim at the pool or watched her while she slept, the hubby would routinely counsel me, mumma as I descended into a FOMO moment.
The hubby would whisper sweet words of encouragement to get me through...

'honey I know you want her to want to sit with us while we sip coffee but she wants to play with the kids and all the toys'
'you deserve a break'
'babe, she is sleeping your not missing out on anything'.

Now if I had known that for the entire week after returning from paradise Miss T was not going to sleep properly, nor sleep more than 30minutes max during the day( perhaps to catch up on our time apart!? Thoughtful daughter I have...) then maybe I would have dealt with my FOMO moments a little better bit who was to know...

Like mother like daughter it seems.



Tuesday, 5 March 2013

pure magic

Everyone tells you they grow up so fast. That before you know it they will be teenagers, getting married or having their own babies. They say that, believe it or not you will miss even the hardest moments and all those sleepless nights. And I believe them. My baby girl is growing up so fast. And over the last week or so (that has been a little trying- hand, foot and mouth virus for poor Miss T) I have tried to remember these words. When she has insisted on extra time, cuddles and attention even at 2am I have tried to remember these words.

I'm sorry my post has been a little delayed but with a sick, clingy bubba I have had to put Miss T first and to be honest I have felt like I have had little to offer. And any down time I have had, I have spent panicking about whether Miss T would be well enough for our up coming holiday in 5 sleeps time...And all I've got to say right now is, arn't they just pure magic. When Miss T hurled herself at me for extra cuddles all day today I knew it was her way of saying thank you. When she repeatadly said ' Dadda, bye bye Dadda' all morning long, I thought she certainly knows how to work her father. And when she proceeded to inform me that we were going for a walk by collecting her backpack, my hand AND by turning off the TV. I thought yep they are pure magic 

Trying to tell me something Miss T?

Even unwell this girl knows how to smile x

See you when we get back from our little getaway x

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