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Sunday, 13 January 2013

miss daycare...

I think I have been caught up in the busyness that is a 1 year old while adjusting to some of the changes that 2013 has already delivered...And as a result, I obviously have not quite processed that it is already Jan 13 - the middle of January and I have only done one lonesome post, which is silly really as so much has already happened. Probably the biggest of them all is that Miss T started daycare.

I now have a toddler...not a baby that's for sure, who 2 days a week goes to daycare and it sure has been an adjustment. Actually the adjusting has only just started and is no where near finished. I am feeling a tiny bit like a mean mumma but equality I am quietly excited for my day off  tomorrow (which I have no doubt will end up with me racing around like a maniac trying to change the world in just 6 hours). And I am reminding myself continually that daycare is great for her...for her social development, she will learn new skills (they are like little sponges right?!) and participate in all sorts of activities...blah blah blah...Miss T is slowly adjusting just like her mumma and she was certainly apprehensive and quite perceptive as we took our first steps towards the center the other day. I think this sequence of photos say it all.

It does makes me wonder just how many decisions am I going to make as a mumma that neither of us are totally thrilled about but probably are the best for us??? I'd love to hear any of your parental dilemma's if you would be willing to share..Yep mother's guilt has arrived. Stay strong mumma I keep reciting...stay strong 

2 comments on "miss daycare..."

Latte Mum {Mel} on 13 January 2013 at 03:59 said...

Could she be any cuter with her little backpack?! So funny what us mumma's worry about - I know that Miss T will be in her element at daycare, and I just can't wait to see what 2013 brings for you both. x

no idea mum on 15 January 2013 at 15:33 said...

Oh thanks Latte mum, you are absolutely right that once she settles in she will be in her element. Thank you for the words of support x

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