I was judged yesterday morning. I just know I was. I could feel prying eyes and when making eye contact with a
mumma and her 2 kiddies I recieved no smile but more of a look of disdain. I thought come on lady, its nearly christmas and it's cute right? Give me a smile! Nope no smile was given...
I've been judges many times as a first time mum, and funnily each time has been for something that I swore I wouldn't do as a mum (naive I was!). Yes miss
T is dummy obsessed and bottled fed. I almost feel I need to explain myself now once stating these facts but how ridiculous! Seriously my monkey is a thriving little being who couldn't have more energy or spirit if she tried.
So why was I judged? Oh for doing another of those things I swore I would never do...I popped Miss
T in backpack harness, a cute little panda that she loves. Why? Because I've been dealing with a crazy walker who wants to do her own thing and at 11 months old she has less sense than I would hope for someone who wants to walk the land alone. So yes I popped on a harness. How terrible of me to make my day more manageable and my angel safer. (Gosh I wish some
mumma's would be more supportive!!!) I don't mean for this post to be a downer and yes this is totally a first world problem and I was lucky to be supported by my own group of
mumma's who assured me that soon enough we would all be ditching our prams and become the harness brigade...
Yesterday I was a little down about this moment of judgement and wasn't sure if I wanted to share it but today I am a little bit more 'glass half full' and philosophical and if I could have a conversation with this unknown mumma I would say ' hey if your kiddies didn't need harnesses good for you! If they arn't giving you greif now they sure will when they are 15! Then you will be needing more than just a harness...Ok perhaps that isn't to philosophical?
So for now it's just Miss
T, panda and I going on our daily strolls. I'l let you be the judge though...check out just how cute she looks walking with her little backpack. Bless her and her adventurous ways.