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Sunday, 30 December 2012


I can't quite believe that the year that was- by far the most exhausting but also by far the best year of my life so far -is drawing to a close. I would never have believed that I could survive on so little sleep and that I could feel so truely, madly, deeply in love with someone who inflicts such sleep deprivation on me. Daddy, Miss T and I are going to welcome in 2013 with Aunty L and Uncle C- think casual bbq and 9pm fireworks. Not too crazy I know but I can already taste the champagne and that is all that matters really. I think Miss T wanted to cherish our last 2012 moments together so we had a little marathon last night, partying from 12.30-4, so Iv'e done my late night and I am looking forward to popping into bed be say...around 10pm...Miss T's party preparation is in full swing so I need my beauty sleep or sanity sleep rather...

Miss T and I would like to wish you a happy healthy new year. We are going to leave you with the photos from the decemeber challenge we embarked on- a photos a day. I tried my best to stay on task but there are a few days missing. Never the less I think the little collection wraps up 2012 beautifully.
It is as though we have been together for a life time. See you in 2013 xx


Wednesday, 26 December 2012

9 sleeps!!!

So it is as though I just woke up this morning and properly realised that it is Miss T's 1st Birthday in 9 sleeps! Why did no one tell me it was so soon. I just rang the party place to orgainse decorations and guess what...closed until Jan 29!!! So mass panic is setting in. I just said to my hubby 'oh no, why am I such a sh*t mum' and he said 'your not sh*t your just unorganised, which is funny for a teacher'. Thanks hubby so now I am panicking even more...And to top things off, lucky me got myself a tiny bit of food poisoning over christmas, so I am trying desperately to piece together an action plan but my brain feels like mush and I have zero energy going around. But no pity parties for me, I have 9 nights so minus today- 7 days to make this happen. I just googled themeing ideas and guess what, not such a good idea when you have nothing prepared! I just viewed hundreds of beautiful party's themed to the max and thought what lucky bubba's. So where do I start???? I am thinking about everything -all at once, decorations( lanterns or pom pom's or...), tableware( table cloths, jars, cupcake stands, plates, forks, spoons, straws, jars...), food( adult, kiddy, healthy, yummy), drinks( champagne for me...that's as far as Ive got), cake ( homemade, bought, both?!), lolly bag's...(and my hubby just asked 'can we play a war?!?!?!)

Yes yes you are probably thinking, don't lose sight of the bigger picture...You don't need to worry about that as it has only come into my conscious mind 9 days before her birthday...Something tells me this is going to be a common theme year to year...except I will certainly be calling the party shop pre-christmas next time! 9 sleeps to achieve my artistic vision, I better get moving...Wish me luck.

My mumma's christmas brunch table- so pretty, am I missing the gene?

I better make Miss T smile like this on her 1st birthday!
P.S if you run into a maniac woman it is probably me...back away is my best suggestion.

Friday, 21 December 2012

christmas spirit

Miss T and I have been getting in the Christmas spirit this week, belting out Mariah Carey and Destiny's child Christmas songs. I dare say I might just belt them out during the entirety of 2013, why wait till december for such fun! This morning we watched rage where the likes of Justin Bieber, David Bowie and Annie Lennox were also getting into the Christmas spirit and Miss T danced up a storm. Watch out Sophia Grace and Rosie here comes Miss T. We have almost been in training for tonight's extravaganza - we are heading to the carols!!!

Having a bubba has brought a magical dimension to this time of year and I'm loving it. I've always loved singing along to a bit of rage or video hits on a saturday morning and I must admit it has been a few years since heading to carols by candle light but now I have someone to share it with who has the same level of enthusiasm that I do...just perfect. So with 3 nights until Santa arrives and we get to spend our first Christmas with Miss T, I thought I would share with you 3 of my favourite photos from my December challenge. Enjoy and Merry Christmas xx

Day 6 Mirror friend- Where much of her smooching practice has occured.

Day 8 Dancer- Serious excitement for a trip to the beach. Love Miss T's zest for life.

Day 13 Frozen yogurt fun- Looks like Miss T and I share a passion already x

P.S If you dont know of Sophia Grace and Rosie, google them. They are amazing!

Sunday, 16 December 2012

baby steps

I am absolutely not one of those mums who harp on about how skilled or clever their kiddies are, but Miss T has a way of making me forget she is only 11 months old. Sometime I look into her eyes and I see an old soul. Maybe it's her new found independence and confident walking...whatever is it, every so often I forget she is still a bubba and expect greater things.

The other week we visited Santa for the first time. Many babies are petrified of Santa but no, not Miss T. She smiled at Santa like they were old friends and looked at me as though to say 'It's no biggie mum, what's with the concern'. I was the nervous one, not knowing the etiquette. Do I say hi? To what extent do I introduce Miss T? Should I say whether she has been naughty or nice...

Miss T has no fear it seems..or has she? In the pool she is so confident we expect her to start doing freestyle laps and at the beach you could mistake her for a tri-athlete (albeit tiny one) the way she runs towards the shore. But the other day something brought me back to earth and stopped me in my steps. I was reminded of just how little and precious my little Miss T is...We went to buy her first pair of shoes and guess what it turns our she is terrified, no petrified of shoes. She is so scared at this stage I honestly think she will be a barefoot hippy for the rest of her life. She can hold the shoes no problem, but as soon as they veer towards her pudgy little feed its all over. Tears, screams, clenching into me for dear life. It is slightly heart breaking but also slightly hilarious...they are just shoes after all...Yep she may be walking, almost talking and oh so confident but I still have myself a bubba.
No fear!

Lots of fear!

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

bad mumma?

I was judged yesterday morning. I just know I was. I could feel prying eyes and when making eye contact with a mumma and her 2 kiddies I recieved no smile but more of a look of disdain. I thought come on lady, its nearly christmas and it's cute right? Give me a smile! Nope no smile was given...

I've been judges many times as a first time mum, and funnily each time has been for something that I swore I wouldn't do as a mum (naive I was!). Yes miss T is dummy obsessed and bottled fed. I almost feel I need to explain myself now once stating these facts but how ridiculous! Seriously my monkey is a thriving little being who couldn't have more energy or spirit if she tried.

So why was I judged? Oh for doing another of those things I swore I would never do...I popped Miss T in backpack harness, a cute little panda that she loves. Why? Because I've been dealing with a crazy walker who wants to do her own thing and at 11 months old she has less sense than I would hope for someone who wants to walk the land alone. So yes I popped on a harness. How terrible of me to make my day more manageable and my angel safer. (Gosh I wish some mumma's would be more supportive!!!) I don't mean for this post to be a downer and yes this is totally a first world problem and I was lucky to be supported by my own group of mumma's who assured me that soon enough we would all be ditching our prams and become the harness brigade...

Yesterday I was a little down about this moment of judgement and wasn't sure if I wanted to share it but today I am a little bit more 'glass half full' and philosophical and if I could have a conversation with this unknown mumma I would say ' hey if your kiddies didn't need harnesses good for you! If they arn't giving you greif now they sure will when they are 15! Then you will be needing more than just a harness...Ok perhaps that isn't to philosophical?

So for now it's just  Miss T, panda and I going on our daily strolls. I'l let you be the judge though...check out just how cute she looks walking with her little backpack. Bless her and her adventurous ways.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

latest obsession

I thought you would all be thrilled to know that Miss T is no longer obsessed with my coffee cups...Ok so maybe it is only me who is thrilled but anyway...phew you say, well yes sort of...now she is beyond obsessed with stirring our coffees with a spoon. It has got more complicated it seems... And our girl is no silly billy, she isn't interested in her own cup, or the same cup as ours with water. No she wants to stir our hot coffee's that we so desperately need to drink. Gee it's hard work creating a human. I actually went without my usual sugar this morning (serious sacrifice!) to try and deflect my little miss stirrer. Maybe Miss T is doing me a favour, I'm sure I don't really need that sugar. No that isn't true, I desperately need that teaspoon of sugar like I need my caffeine hit. It all makes me wonder though- what next? Experienced parents I'd love your insight?

On a side note- I don't think Miss T's amber beads are doing their job very well.We are having a super unsettled week, I am almost getting used to moving to my second bed (manky mattress on the floor) for our nightly battles...I mean cuddles.Yes they may not be doing their job as Miss T chucked them behind the couch a good 3 weeks ago and I have on most days thought of them but am yet to retrieve them...bad mum!

Miss T practicing her stirring all day long

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

little miss smooch


I've created a monster I mean a smoocher...maybe even a monster smoocher!
How? I am not entirely sure. Maybe I have given Miss T far too many kisses in the last 11 months of her life? Is that even possible? (I mean who wouldn't want to kiss her soft little cheeks or pudgy little legs). Or was it my repetitive 'Give us a kiss sugar' that started this all off... Maybe it was her love affair with Apollo that has cultivated this behaviour...or maybe she was just born a smoocher. Either way I have little miss smoocher on my hands.

Miss T has been sharing the love for a while now. Daddy, Apollo and I receive some gorgeous kisses from dawn to dusk, but all of a sudden she is seriously obsessed with smooching! I mean every banal object in her immediate environment appears to be worthy. And now she has stepped it up a notch and her precious little playmates and their equally gorgeous mumma's have become the recipients. I am not just talking a quick little peck either, I am talking careful, gentle kisses along with sweet little cuddles. Miss T's playmates Master H and J seem a little perplexed to be honest, their little faces almost saying, gee this girl is pretty forward...

Don't get me wrong I love it, and I whole heartedly encourage such warm loving behaviour but as her mumma I am hoping she is getting it out of her system before she turns...say 14?

Where is all began
Miss T sharing the love with Master H and J

Sunday, 2 December 2012

a photo a day


This morning I thought I could tell you all about our two horrendous nights over the weekend in sweltering hot 35+ degrees- where the whole family (mumma, dadda, Miss T and occasionally Apollo) slept on a since mattress on the floor of Miss T's room trying to find some relief from the portable aircon purchased in a frenzy...serious chaos that included finding Miss T sleeping no longer on the mattress but on the carpeted floor under her cot?! ( bad mumma!!!)  but I sort of feel like I want to dwell on the good and steer away from the bad. Maybe because the kid finally slept last night (I seriously had myself convinced she had completely forgotten how to sleep) or maybe because is no longer 35+ degrees or maybe because I really don't want you to think I am a bad mumma...

so instead I am going to tell you about a little challenge Miss T and I are participating in for the last month of 2012. I thought it would be nice to document the end of Miss T's first year and I saw this idea on a fab blog I follow (bumpyroadtobubba)...so our challenge is a photo a day for the month of December. We may continue it until January the 5th as this will take us to the beginning of Miss T's second year (seriously unbelievable!). Here's a sneak peak of day 1. Miss T's puppy love is not restricted to Apollo it seems...

Day 1- 'Puppy Love' (14 year old Bali was not so fussed on the attention from Miss T)

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