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Sunday, 16 December 2012

baby steps

I am absolutely not one of those mums who harp on about how skilled or clever their kiddies are, but Miss T has a way of making me forget she is only 11 months old. Sometime I look into her eyes and I see an old soul. Maybe it's her new found independence and confident walking...whatever is it, every so often I forget she is still a bubba and expect greater things.

The other week we visited Santa for the first time. Many babies are petrified of Santa but no, not Miss T. She smiled at Santa like they were old friends and looked at me as though to say 'It's no biggie mum, what's with the concern'. I was the nervous one, not knowing the etiquette. Do I say hi? To what extent do I introduce Miss T? Should I say whether she has been naughty or nice...

Miss T has no fear it seems..or has she? In the pool she is so confident we expect her to start doing freestyle laps and at the beach you could mistake her for a tri-athlete (albeit tiny one) the way she runs towards the shore. But the other day something brought me back to earth and stopped me in my steps. I was reminded of just how little and precious my little Miss T is...We went to buy her first pair of shoes and guess what it turns our she is terrified, no petrified of shoes. She is so scared at this stage I honestly think she will be a barefoot hippy for the rest of her life. She can hold the shoes no problem, but as soon as they veer towards her pudgy little feed its all over. Tears, screams, clenching into me for dear life. It is slightly heart breaking but also slightly hilarious...they are just shoes after all...Yep she may be walking, almost talking and oh so confident but I still have myself a bubba.
No fear!

Lots of fear!

1 comments on "baby steps"

Latte Mum {Mel} on 16 December 2012 at 23:44 said...

This is just the funniest story! She must have thought you were trying to take away her ability to walk, and I'm sure once she realises the shoes will take her to even more places and terrains, she'll be hooked like the rest of the female population! Too cute xx

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