So it is as though I just woke up this morning and properly realised that it is Miss T's 1st Birthday in 9 sleeps! Why did no one tell me it was so soon. I just rang the party place to orgainse decorations and guess what...closed until Jan 29!!! So mass panic is setting in. I just said to my hubby 'oh no, why am I such a sh*t mum' and he said 'your not sh*t your just unorganised, which is funny for a teacher'. Thanks hubby so now I am panicking even more...And to top things off, lucky me got myself a tiny bit of food poisoning over christmas, so I am trying desperately to piece together an action plan but my brain feels like mush and I have zero energy going around. But no pity parties for me, I have 9 nights so minus today- 7 days to make this happen. I just googled themeing ideas and guess what, not such a good idea when you have nothing prepared! I just viewed hundreds of beautiful party's themed to the max and thought what lucky bubba's. So where do I start???? I am thinking about everything -all at once, decorations( lanterns or pom pom's or...), tableware( table cloths, jars, cupcake stands, plates, forks, spoons, straws, jars...), food( adult, kiddy, healthy, yummy), drinks( champagne for me...that's as far as Ive got), cake ( homemade, bought, both?!), lolly bag's...(and my hubby just asked 'can we play a war?!?!?!)
Yes yes you are probably thinking, don't lose sight of the bigger picture...You don't need to worry about that as it has only come into my conscious mind 9 days before her birthday...Something tells me this is going to be a common theme year to year...except I will certainly be calling the party shop pre-christmas next time! 9 sleeps to achieve my artistic vision, I better get moving...Wish me luck.
My mumma's christmas brunch table- so pretty, am I missing the gene? |
I better make Miss T smile like this on her 1st birthday! |
P.S if you run into a maniac woman it is probably me...back away is my best suggestion.
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