Miss T giving the necklace a go |
If I read another article that tells me that babies aren't in pain when they are teething I am going to scream. Miss T has her second tooth coming through and she has been screaming blue murder. I don't blame her, I reckon if I had a calcified structure cutting through my gums I would scream blue murder also. We are onto our second tooth in two weeks....So yesterday I went out and bought an amber necklace, it felt slightly like highway robbery (the cost being the reason I haven't bought one already) but I guess I don't know the properties of amber and I certainly do not know it's market value. Some friends swear by them and others are not so convinced.
Quite honestly if they sold sprigs of rosmary to tie on their little ankles like a roasting leg of lamb, I would buy it. At this stage I will give anything a go. So I'll see how we go.
Anyone have any thoughts on these gems?
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