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Thursday, 11 October 2012

catching flies with chopsticks

We had our first trip to the hospital on Wednesday night. Miss T is absolutely fine but of course no hospital visit is fun. The whole experience made me realise a few things! Firstly no matter how much I have no idea about, I sure know how much I love my girl and how much I would move heaven and earth to keep her healthy, happy and pain free. And I am now an experienced hospital mum who knows that when they say we need to take blood and it is not negotiable that they are about to hurt my baby like hell!
We spend 6 hours at emergency and the majority of the time was spent trying to get a sample of her wee wee. It quite seriously almost sent me insane! The first sample (I'll refer to it as a sample so I don't turn you off reading this post) we missed! And the second never arrived. In this time to prevent me from loosing my mind I designed multiple FUNCTIONAL contraptions that would have collected the sample much more successfully that a tiny jar! I later learnt from a friend that such things do exist...hmm so why were we using a TINY jar? We were discharged on the instruction that we must see our GP in the morning.

We arrived at the doctors and my dreams of freedom were shattered. I was advised that we still needed that sample. My doctor likened the task to catching flies with chopsticks! Visualise that! As I am writing this post I am still on the pursuit to capture the fly. I have already missed one opportunity, Miss T flying??? all over one of her besties 'Mr Tang' (stuffed Orangutan not fellow baby friend). I mean seriously! This mission is impossible. 

So I know that I love Miss T beyond words and that blood samples hurt babies...what I still have no idea about is how to catch that bloody fly!

5 comments on "catching flies with chopsticks"

Anonymous said...

Too funny Ez, of course not about the hospital visit. Hope she (and you)are doing ok! xxx

Latte Mum {Mel} on 11 October 2012 at 22:11 said...

Miss T is so lucky to have a mummy like you, who is prepared to dance around the lounge with chopsticks in hand ready to pince a fly by the wing! Wouldn't it be nice if love was enough to make them better. Wishing the little lady a speedy recovery! xox

no idea mum on 11 October 2012 at 23:45 said...

Thanks guys! xx

mj on 7 November 2012 at 16:00 said...

Ah, we've been there - http://wp.me/p1m5Gv-65
Your website design is really cute!

no idea mum on 7 November 2012 at 19:58 said...

Mj Thank you for sharing your first hospital experience!

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