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Monday, 29 October 2012

security breach

Let's face it I was bound to fail on this one. My intentions were grand and of course I do know how important it is to safety proof our house for Miss T but each attempt to date (minus our baby gate) has been one massive fail.

Why was I bound to fail you ask, Well I purchased a fabulous ‘home safety essentials’ pack with over 50 plugs/catches/latches/locks to safety proof out house. Within it I discovered I had practically enough plugs to fill a 10 bedroom mansions. Miss T and I do not live in a 10 bedroom home. In our little mansion we have 2 bedrooms and I needed to use 7 of these plugs in total. This fabulous pack then sat in our tiny kitchen…I mean mansion of a kitchen… taking up space for another 2 months. One Sunday recently I harassed the hubby to help me sort out the house and this is when I discovered we could only use another 3 items. No joke! The remaining 40 catches, larches and locks were useless to us! Now I am sure others would find this pack useful. I do not blame the pack as I am sure it would have also been useful if I actually read what was in it.

Why else was I bound to fail?  Well the 3 items that I did use…3x multipurpose latches that I attached with confidence and satisfaction have not worked for their intended purpose. It appears that I have fastened them to the slightly wrong type of draw or cabinet or WHATEVER...is shouldn't be this hard!!!  How did I find this out? Miss T has essentially wondered around the house getting into everything  that is ‘out of bounds’. Today in particular has seen these ‘out of bounds’ spaces almost becoming little challenges or obstacle courses for my little lady. If she could speak, I am sure she would be thanking me for spicing up her daily grind. So it's back to the shops for me. Maybe Miss T is just too clever but I fear I have myself to blame!

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