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Sunday, 7 October 2012

the things we do for sleep

Manky foam mattress
I have spent the last 9 months trying to make Miss T sleep longer (or at all!) I have tried everything and when I say everything I mean everything...

patting, hushing, keeping her up longer, putting her to bed earlier (you don't want an overtired baby they say), feeding her more protein, gently teaching her to self settle, introducing a lovely (a soft toy for those non parents out there)...more patting and shushing, white noise apps, repetitive lullabies (more agitating that calming if you ask me), a total rearranging of her bedroom (I've got it she isn't sleeping because her cot is facing the window) and I even recorded our shower once as this seemed to be a rare place of calm so she could listen to the water flowing on repeat all night long. I could go on but I will spare you.

Nothing works! Miss T wakes like clockwork at the 30 minute mark ready to play. And at night well the real party begins. So what did I do differently in the last few days...

what we did has changed our world. Forget the above techniques, this is what works...Borrow from your parents a manky, foam single mattress that you are quite sure was the same one purchased 10 years ago for 'special friends' to sleep on when they stayed over and which your also quite sure is now being used by your little brother's 'special friends' when they stay over... That's right, pick it up, dust it off and get ready to enjoy your new place of rest on the floor of your bub's room. That is what I did and she decided to sleep through the night...
Thank you Miss T.
Another failed approach

1 comments on "the things we do for sleep"

Mim on 7 October 2012 at 01:53 said...

Great blog Ez! Ah, those were the days. Just remember, you never get them back again. Treasure the extra hugs every half hour, even when you're desperate to go back to sleep and feel like a zombie. I miss the sleepless days/nights like crazy and wish I had another bub to cuddle and love. You're doing a great job, Miss T is the sweetest. I don't think anyone can ever be prepared for motherhood!
xx Mim

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